The momentum is building! Keto results: 9 lbs down!


Good morning kind readers! I thought I’d do a really quick update this morning to share…

I’M DOWN 9 POUNDS in 9 days! That makes me so very happy!

This includes some bobbing up and down due to some inflammation in the early few days – but I read that this is pretty normal. I honestly can’t remember from my last experience with LCHF / Keto if I had this.

Again, I shouldn’t be weighing myself every day. And, I should have taken body measurements, but I haven’t found a tape measure online, and as I’ve been super sick recently, (chronic bronchitis… how fun!) I haven’t really wanted to go to the mall and see if I can find one there.

My crappy Fitbit Aria (series one) scale is jumping all over the map with fat %, so another post I’m working on will show some of the scales I’m looking at to replace the one I’ve had for about 9 years now. I just don’t have a lot of faith in it (I can step on the scale, and it’ll say one thing, step off, step back on, and it’ll give me a weight that could be as much as 2 lbs different. Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous for a bathroom scale. The fat % is the same. Time to pass this scale off to someone else who will love it. Because, I don’t.

With that 9 lb loss, I’ve had no cheats so far – although last Saturday night, I did enjoy 2 carb-free vodka sodas (they are those small cans of Palm Bay Vodka Soda – who knew Palm Bay made sugar free versions of their diabetic-maker sweet coolers!) They were quite nice, actually. I also had some lovely meatballs a very thoughtful friend bought for the evening as she knew my DH and I were changing our eating habits – those meatballs had about 1 carb per ball, which is a fair amount, but I had about 8 balls anyhow.

The next morning, I was up two pounds… Yikes! It’s taken me from Sunday to Tuesday to lose that water weight, and move below where I was on Saturday. No big deal, but I am quite certain it was the gluten in the meatballs that caused the inflammation, so I know to avoid that! (I’ll do another test of this theory when I haven’t had anything else that would cause issues like this in a few weeks).

Wow, this is turned into a novel – it’s time for me to head to work, so I’ll leave it there. Look forward to a scale overview in a future post coming soon!! 🙂

Have an awesome day…

About the author


Blogging my adventures for over 20 years, I’m originally from beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, and now call the great white North, Edmonton, Alberta home. I've been married to my ever-entertaining husband, Barry since 2010.

I’ve recently become passionate again about nutrition and I’m a firm believer in low-carb living. I’m also an avid traveler, and my favorite form of travel is cruising!

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By Tanya

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Welcome to! We’re delighted to have you here! We’re Canadian personal bloggers located in Edmonton, Alberta!
Tanya and Barry (the primary authors) are avid cruisers, and have traveled the world extensively!
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