Good morning kind readers! I thought I’d do a really quick update this morning to share…
I’M DOWN 9 POUNDS in 9 days! That makes me so very happy!
This includes some bobbing up and down due to some inflammation in the early few days – but I read that this is pretty normal. I honestly can’t remember from my last experience with LCHF / Keto if I had this.
Again, I shouldn’t be weighing myself every day. And, I should have taken body measurements, but I haven’t found a tape measure online, and as I’ve been super sick recently, (chronic bronchitis… how fun!) I haven’t really wanted to go to the mall and see if I can find one there.
My crappy Fitbit Aria (series one) scale is jumping all over the map with fat %, so another post I’m working on will show some of the scales I’m looking at to replace the one I’ve had for about 9 years now. I just don’t have a lot of faith in it (I can step on the scale, and it’ll say one thing, step off, step back on, and it’ll give me a weight that could be as much as 2 lbs different. Sorry, but that’s just ridiculous for a bathroom scale. The fat % is the same. Time to pass this scale off to someone else who will love it. Because, I don’t.
With that 9 lb loss, I’ve had no cheats so far – although last Saturday night, I did enjoy 2 carb-free vodka sodas (they are those small cans of Palm Bay Vodka Soda – who knew Palm Bay made sugar free versions of their diabetic-maker sweet coolers!) They were quite nice, actually. I also had some lovely meatballs a very thoughtful friend bought for the evening as she knew my DH and I were changing our eating habits – those meatballs had about 1 carb per ball, which is a fair amount, but I had about 8 balls anyhow.
The next morning, I was up two pounds… Yikes! It’s taken me from Sunday to Tuesday to lose that water weight, and move below where I was on Saturday. No big deal, but I am quite certain it was the gluten in the meatballs that caused the inflammation, so I know to avoid that! (I’ll do another test of this theory when I haven’t had anything else that would cause issues like this in a few weeks).
Wow, this is turned into a novel – it’s time for me to head to work, so I’ll leave it there. Look forward to a scale overview in a future post coming soon!! 🙂
Have an awesome day…
I’m so incredibly proud of you! I will be reading your blogs to check in on your progress. You can do it!
Thanks sweets! 🙂 Accountability is the name of the game!