TagHair Care

My personal hair catastrophe


Hello dear readers! My sincere apologies, I have been remiss in writing of late. I have some good reasons why, but hey, I’m here now! I know I owe you my scale blog, and I’ll be posting that soon, I promise! But, as I have some things to get off my chest about recent experiences, I am going to proceed with my hair blog entry. This is a serious topic, people! A little context: Yes, I’m vain. I have a firm belief that most people are, to some degree. My hair is incredibly important to me – I treat it with the utmost respect most of the time these days. I will share why: I have a cleft lip...

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Welcome to OVERsharing.net! We’re delighted to have you here! We’re Canadian personal bloggers located in Edmonton, Alberta!
Tanya and Barry (the primary authors) are avid cruisers, and have traveled the world extensively!
Check back regularly for new blog posts – we’ll be posting often! Thanks for visiting!

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